About Us

Mederico Tradings Ltd — is an industry leader in imported wood products from Russia to Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Asia and have the ability to ship wood products to any port in the world.

We are extremely proud that Mederico Trading Ltd can be distinguished from other importers by having the highest standards for product quality and customer service than any other company in the wood products industry.

All of our products are covered by our “Product Guarantee Policy”, which provides that our customers will never pay for wood products delivered to them that are below the standards agreed upon before a purchase order was placed.

Our strong relationships with the top wood products manufacturers in Eastern Europe combined with our “Product Guarantee Policy” and attention to customer service assure our continued success in the wood products industry.

Employees from our Eastern European offices conduct monthly quality control checks with the more than twenty wood products manufacturers that we do business with.

© Mederico Tradings Ltd.​